The New York State Canal Corporation is looking to continue a maintenance project along the Erie Canal in Monroe County, but it has received some pushback.
Elizabeth Agte of Perinton, who lives close to the Erie Canal, says she is concerned about the Canal Corporation's maintenance plan for the embankment along the canal on the east side of Monroe County.
Agte explained a few years ago the Canal Corporation cut down trees and vegetation on the west side of the county and that residents over there were furious about it.
"They say it's ugly. It's hot. They've lost their privacy. It's noisy now that they hear the sound of trucks going by and stuff on the other side of the canal,” said Agte.
Agte is also part of a group called "Stop the Canal Clear Cut," which opposes any plan to cut down trees along the canal.
"There are years and years of maintenance that needs to be done, but why not do that maintenance first and then talk about whether or not the trees are creating a problem?” said Agte. “In 200 years, the entire history of the canal there has not been one tree related breach."
The Canal Corporation says it is still working on that plan to address maintenance along the Erie Canal and hope to provide that update next week.
The agency added they would like to hear from as many people as possible, during public comment on the project which can submitted by emailing:
"We need to find a way to make it safe but beautiful. Not just safe or beautiful." said Agte.