ROCHESTER, N.Y. — ​A classic downtown bar off East Main Street that closed due to the pandemic is looking to get back in business.

The Richmond, formally known as Richmond’s, has a new look.

Owners tell Spectrum News 1 that the bar and restaurant will keep some of the old staples, but will have plenty of new items on the menu.

They’ve also done a sort of reverse renovation, bringing the building back to the original bricks and restoring the tin ceiling. Something you won’t find at the Richmond is big screen TVs.

“Kind of a look back before people went to the bar to watch the game,” Ralph Ditucci from The Richmond said. “There’s plenty of amazing bars to watch the game in Rochester. We want a bar where conversation and community and getting to meet the people who hangout in your neighborhood becomes the focus.”

Construction is still underway and The Richmond has yet to set a grand reopening date.