It is National Flag Week and Friday is Flag Day. It is perfect timing for this new flag drop box located outside Irondequoit Town Hall.
This is where people can bring their old worn and retired flags.
Joe Alquist is an Eagle Scout candidate and a sophomore at West Irondequoit High School. He worked with American Legion Post 134 here to make this possible.
“I think that honoring the veterans in doing something for the town was really something that would be good for my project and that something that’s great for the citizens,” Joe said. “You’re able to drop off old flags and the flags will be retired by the town properly in a way that is respectful."
American Legion Post 134 paid for the stainless steel box and installation.
“We are very proud. Part of the American Legion, and one of the things that we do is support our youth and scouts,” said American Legion Post Commander Elmer Brown. “When Joe approached us and we could work together with him to help him achieve his Eagle Scout project and he helped us achieve this, it is just something we didn’t think of having before.”
The flag symbolizes different things to different people, including hope, freedom and opportunity.
“I think that throwing away the flag or even just recycling it is something that shouldn’t be done,” Joe said. “I think that the flag deserves respect and I think that we should treat it with on her like a real person should be treated.”
The flag drop box was installed about two weeks ago. The town has already had to empty it a few times.
Irondequoit is hosting a Flag Day ceremony Friday at 7:00 p.m. outside town hall.
There will be dedication ceremony for the flag box at 6:45.