Gov. Andrew Cuomo has issued an emergency declaration for eight counties along Lake Ontario as water levels continue to rise. The goal is to speed up the process of getting help for home and businesses owners.

That state of emergency includes Wayne County and the village of Sodus Point, which sits on the southern shores of Lake Ontario and often floods due to its proximity to the water.

Property owner Damien Weidmann hopes to bypass a repeat of the 2017 flooding.

“It will be more of a hassle if it gets up much more as you can see in the background we kind of just sit right in the ground," Weidmann said.

Wedimann's Sodus Point Property has been in his family for two decades, and he's hoping to keep it afloat.

“You see the berms over there, but that’s not going to hold back the water coming underneath,” he said.

With sandbags lining Wickham Boulevard and water pumps in the surrounding areas, Weidmann is hopeful it will protect his property.

Winds continued to pick up around Sodus Bay on Monday and, despite the flood warning around Lake Ontario shorelines, visitors of the area were still out fishing for a good time.

“I’m trying to catch me a shark today, baby,” said Shaheem Sims, visiting from Gates with his brother and fiancé.

Sims said he sees the potential flooding as an opportunity for some good fishing.

 “I’m out here to have a good time and enjoy myself,” Sims said.

Although he doesn’t have to deal with the aftermath of high water, he said he feels for the residents of Sodus Point.

“You start to learn, man,” he added.