No charges will be filed against a student who sheriff's deputies say made a threat to Brockport High School Friday morning, causing the school to go into a lockout mode.
Deputies say the school followed protocol and went into a lockout when a student called in a threat.
Brockport High School and Oliver Middle School students remained locked inside their schools while elementary students were kept on buses at an off-site location and escorted into school.
Deputies and the district worked together and determined the threat was not a credible one.
The district's superintendent says they took extra precaution to ensure everyone's safety.
“With safety and security being on the minds of educators, we wanted to err on the side of caution to ensure everyone was safe, and given the unique structure of our school district, we needed to move forward in that particular direction,” said Lesli Myers-Small, Brockport CSD superintendent.
Sheriff's deputies maintained a presence throughout the day at the school to ensure the school's safety.