The Puerto Rican community celebrated its roots in East Harlem. Boricuas gathered on East 109th Street and 3rd Avenue for the 49th annual Loiza Festival.
Participants moved to the beat of the bomba drum, sampled native cuisine and walked in a procession of saints. The 3-day event highlights the African influence on the Puerto Rican town of Loiza and honors Saint James.
Organizers say it's important to keep the tradition alive here in the city.
"East Harlem which is more commonly known as El Barrio or Spanish Harlem is really a legacy of Puerto Rican contributions to this community," said Melody Capote of Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute. "Events like this are key in being able to be kind of that staple, that anchor if you will, of what the community has always been."
"The coming together of communities, the intergenerational exchange that happens is a very beautiful thing," said Flaco Nevajo, the festival's Master of Ceremonies.
In Puerto Rico, the Loiza Festival is celebrated for 10 days.