ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- More testimony Monday in the trial of the Rochester man accused of killing another man inside the former Gates Pub, the shootout last April that injured six others.
David Alligood is charged with second degree murder in the death of Ricky Jones.
On the witness stand Monday was the ex-girlfriend of David Alligood., Joslin McCoy. She said her and Alligood were dating at the time of the shooting.
She testified that Alligood's best friends, Timothy White was one of the people shot that night.
McCoy was also shown surveillance video of the shooting. She said she couldn't identify Alligood or herself in the video.
David Alligood is accused of fatally shooting Ricky Jones during the argument April 25th of last year. Six other people were injured; some of them shot.
Authorities said Jones was also armed that night and allegedly fired back. The defense says Alligood did not kill Jones. Prosecutors say they have many more witnesses to call.