Note: This story first aired in February 2021. Pete DuPre died on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

FAIRPORT, N.Y. — Peter Dupré is 97, and loves to play the harmonica. 

“I spend a lot of time during through the course of a week playing. I practice all the kind of time really," said Dupré.  

Many may know his nickname, Harmonica Pete, or heard him play. But few know how it all began. Dupré started playing in grade school, and he moved to a school that had a harmonica band.  

“So my dad bought me a Marine Band harmonica player for the princely sum of 50 cents," said Dupré. 

And once he picked up the harmonica, he never stopped. He was a natural because he says he never had formal lessons.  

“I have no idea what the musical background behind this is. The sound is what’s ideal. If it sounds good I play it," said Dupré. 

Dupré is quite a local icon. He has played at numerous events. He’s even played on the big stage, entertaining crowds at professional sporting events with thousands in the crowd.  

“And have it go dead quiet after I played a few notes. And it’s quite a feeling to be able to command that type of attention to what you’re playing," said Dupré. 

And at the age of 97, Dupré is not able to get out as much. But he hopes to soon, with the help of his family.  

“Once the pandemic is under control and assuming that I’m still here, I’ll be back on the trail playing at this, that, or the other event," said Dupré.