The holidays are wrapping up and the time for New Year's resolutions is in full swing. For many, the goal is to be healthier.

But before jumping into a new diet, it's important to make sure you're getting proper nutrition as your body comes down from the holiday indulgence.

The impact of holiday festivities can lead to inflammation, as much of what's consumed contains sugar, artificial foods and alcohol for some. This can wear out the body's systems, leading to a lower mood and higher anxiety, all while we're trying to be cheerful and enjoy the holidays.       

Many people get it in their head that they have to essentially starve themselves to make up for holiday indulgence, when in reality, the human body needs additional nutrition.

"So you go from the sugar season to like 'oh, now it's Keto time,' to just cutting out all the sugars and eating more almonds and running to the gym and fasting and doing all these things, 'oh, start detoxing.' And that can be a really traumatic shift on the body," said Sally Norton, ivy-league nutritionist. "You're better off going back to basic old-fashioned grandma thinking, some nice eggs for breakfast, a balanced meal for dinner."

Norton also says we should prioritize protein and healthy fats, cut back on snacks and junk food, especially at the end of the day, and be consistent with our diets into the new year.