If you're out in Brighton and Pittsford, you may notice the towns have a particular shade of color to them.

That's because local families are turning the towns teal to honor September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

Volunteers spent the day tying teal ribbons across the towns.

Residents are also encouraged to put ribbons on their own properties.

Volunteers say their goal is to get people talking so they can recognize symptoms early on.

The coordinator of this year's campaign in Rochester lost her mother to ovarian cancer in 2013.

"Especially during the pandemic a lot of routine physicals have gone unattended,” said Ginger Ruff. “So it is very important when you don’t feel something is right be your best advocate. My mom always said that go to your annual checkups and keep in front of your doctors. And if you don’t feel right, you know your body best so be your best advocate.”

Ribbons are up for the entire month.

It's Brighton’s seventh year participating and Pittsford’s fourth year.