All this month we are focused on the health and well being of children with Fit Kids February features. We visited a gymnastics center in Penfield, where the sport is helping all kids of athletes grow stronger in body and mind. Time Warner Cable News reporter Cristina Domingues has their story.

PENFIELD, N.Y. -- Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester owner Sarah Jane Clifford says children as young a year old to adults as old as 70 come here for gymnastics classes.

"It's fun, it gets a lot of energy out after a long day of school when you're sitting. you can just come here and flip around," said 3-year-old Eva Boothby.

Among all the gymnasts at the training center, there are also other athletes -- skiers practice their aerial twists, divers who try our their plunges on dry land and dancers and skaters who work on their turns.

"It really works on all aspects of sport, because it is the foundation. In Germany, Russia, Romania, China, this is phys. ed. We start with all sorts of parts of phys. ed. by hopping, skipping, jumping, turning, twisting through sport of gymnastics and that will transfer to any other sport," said Clifford.

Gymnastics, like most other sports, is one that not only strengthens the body, but also the mind.

"It builds a lot of confidence for me. When I started, I was shy and it opened up new opportunities and everything. Socially you make new friends and it's really fun to do," said Max Lucia, of Fairport.

For many here the goal may not necessarily mean a trip to the Olympics, but it's simply a fun way to stay fit.