HENRIETTA, N.Y. — Rochester Institute of Technolgy President David Munson outlined the university's COVID-19 plans for the spring semester in a virtual presentation Thursday, and graded the school's fall performance in a COVID-19 "report card."

Classes will resume on January 25, and in order to get back on campus, students and faculty will need to have a negative test, and a flu vaccine is mandatory. 

Spring break, like fall break, is canceled. 

New saliva testing methods will be used on campus, and those test results will be developed in campus laboratories.

Munson said there was no evidence to indicate that anyone got sick via transmission in the college's classrooms this past semester, because of the school's COVID-19 protocols.

He reported that only 111 students, out of a population of 13,000, tested positive between August and December, and 37 out of over 3,600 employees contracted the illness.