ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Free, rapid, asymptomatic COVID-19 testing sites continue this week in Rochester.  

The United Way is still looking for volunteers to help out.

More than 150 volunteers are needed at the four testing locations in Rochester. Volunteers will help medical professionals test patients by greeting residents, passing out hand sanitizer and masks to those who need them, and helping with registration and other tasks.  

The United Way says it crucial to have volunteers help out the community.

"It is incredible to see the city of Rochester and Monroe County, Common Ground Health, and others stepping up. But we need an army of supporters to actually implement. We need the community to stand up and help if they're able," said Jamie Saunders, president and CEO of the Greater Rochester United Way.

"I mean, we're in the middle of a pandemic, so if you can help out in any way you can, that'd be great. Even if it's online, even if it's just helping out your community, helping with the COVID test, even staying at home would help out a lot," said Sevinch Fayzullayeva, a United Way volunteer.

Follow this link to the United Way website to sign up.