GREECE, N.Y. — People with loved ones in long-term care and independent living facilities are having discussions and making decisions this week as they decide on whether they will receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

What You Need To Know

  • Family Hoping the COVID Vaccination will Help with Visitation at Independent Living Facility

  • Family and Independent Living Resident are nervous, but believe the vaccine is the best option

  • Family is hoping everyone will get the vaccine so things will return back to normal

Currently, Suanne Searley is only able to see her mother-in-law once a week for about 30 minutes at Fleming Point in Greece, but she’s hoping the vaccine will change that.

"It’s great to see her in person and she just got in here like a year ago and COVID hit, first we couldn’t see her, now we can see her for a half an hour but I can’t wait for this to all be over and come and go as we please," said Suanne Searley.

During her visit at Fleming Point to see her mother-in-law Sonia Searley, Spectrum News video chatted with her to get her thoughts on visitation and the COVID vaccine.

"Oh, I love when she’s here. It gets very lonely if you’re on your own... I enjoy the company," said Sonia Searley.

"You’re there, you’re happy, and then it’s hard leaving her, you know it’s only a half of hour it’s really not a long time, but you know we have to follow the rules," added Suanne Searley.

Her mother-in-law Sonia Searley says many of the residents at Fleming Point are talking about the vaccine and considering it.

Sonia Searley tells Spectrum News she will likely get the vaccine.

"Are you a little nervous at all about it?" we asked.

"Oh yeah, but I don’t know about the long term, I don’t know how much longer I’ve got," she responded.

Searley says she’s also a little concerned about the COVID-19 vaccine. 

"When you think about how long it takes other vaccines, how long it takes them to make it, this is done quick, but I think we have to take a chance," she said. 

"Oh I hope we all get the vaccine and we can go back to semi-normal so I can come here whenever I want, you know. I don’t have to call and make an appointment, and just go whenever I feel like it," said Suanne Searley.