Mary Colombo is a life-long Irondequoit resident. 

“I live here with my daughter and a couple of grandchildren. I’ve been here exactly 40 years in one month,” she said. “Wow, I’ve been here so long and I keep getting bonuses. Now that I’m older. I love it.”

What You Need To Know

  • New York's Office for the Aging, reports nearly 7.3 million older Americans and 13.7% of older adults in New York State are effected by food insecurity

  • Irondequoit Community Center recently got a new passenger van with ARPA funding

  • The van provides a ride to and from lunch to seniors through the Lunch Club 60 transportation program

  • Mary Colombo can I get a new one for  says catching a ride is like a little get-away

There’s beauty with age, but as she’s gotten older, Colombo’s lost some of her confidence on the roads. 

“Whether it be for a medical issue or the weather, which you just never know. It’s unpredictable, just as I’m unpredictable,” Colombo said. 

The town of Irondequoit recently used ARPA funding to purchase a passenger van. The new vehicle is used for the Lunch Club 60 Program which provides transportation to and from lunch at the Irondequoit Community Center for seniors to help them have access to healthier foods. Although, for Colombo and her friends it’s more of a party bus. 

“It’s like a little getaway, right?” Colombo laughed.

The New York State Office for the Aging reports that food insecurity affects nearly 7.3 million older Americans each year and 13.7% of those are seniors in New York state. The Community Center serves lunch to about 30 seniors each week. Now that Colombo has a safe way to get there, she’s here pretty regularly, but it’s not because she doesn’t like to cook. 

“The problem is when we’re home. If I was home right now, I know I wouldn’t be sitting down having a well-balanced lunch. Not because I didn’t have it, but just because there’s too many extra distractions," Colombo explained. “It just goes down much easier here with all our friends. And I know that between 11:45-12:15, it’s lunchtime and I’m well nourished.” 

A safe ride and good company make it all the better. 

“No food insecurity and no lack of laughter.” Colombo laughed.