PHELPS, N.Y. — Patrons of Don Miller's cafe have always enjoyed the view of the Flint Creek falls. It's one of the reasons Miller's family, about a year and a half ago, took over the Water Side Wine Bar and Bistro in Phelps.

"A lot of people love the ambiance of the falls and sitting outside, " Miller said.

And the place where Don's opened the doors to wedding parties and anniversary celebrations is the place where he responded to Christmas morning for an emergency call that the 200-year old basement foundation of his restaurant had fallen into the creek.

What did he lose? 

"Nothing inside," said Miller. "We cannot open."

It's left the Miller's with a hollow feeling after the holidays. Foundation work will be done by contractors. 

As a longtime high school referee, Don's had to make hard calls before. He knows the hard call of stopping work in early 2021 won't be easy. However, $280 million from stimulus relief could help him and other restauranteurs. 

"Hopefully with this bill just passed, hopefully, it'll come through and help us when due to the foundation," Miller said.

Don believes his misfortune is another example of why you and your neighbors should support local businesses.

"This community really supported us like no other community with takeouts and Mrs. Benemino brought down baked goods when they knew we were down in the dumps. Customers came in and gave us $20 bills or some cash and not even order food. They willed us to stay open during that pandemic."