Video Requests
  • Spectrum News will consider requests for video copies of stories previously aired, utilizing the following procedure:
  • All requests for dubs must be made in writing by submitting this form or by mailing a letter to the following address.
    Video Requests
    Spectrum News
    355 Chicago St. 
    Buffalo, NY 14204

  • If submitting a separate letter of request, it must state the subject of the story, the approximate date and time of air, and the purpose for which the dub is requested. The letter must also state that the dub will not be used for legal or commercial purposes. The letter can be sent to the above address.

  • There is a $25 processing fee for approved requests, which must be paid in advance and can be remitted by mail to the above address by check or money order payable to Spectrum News.

  • Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

  • This form may not be used for any request for video to be utilized for legal, investigative, or commercial purposes. Those requests must sent to