When you're looking for your next dinner night out destination, you may not think of an old church, but one restaurant, with a grateful name, in Rhinebeck will have you re-considering that.

"I started Terrapin Restaurant in West Hurley in 1998 as a little back of the woods destination dining spot. In 2003 we moved here, so coming up on 13 years here. It's actually a Church from 1824, an old Southern Baptist Church. Incredible history here, this building is amazing," said Josh Kroner, the owner and head chef.

In addition to a much bigger space, the move also provided the opportunity for more cuisine.

"I have two rooms here. We're standing here dining room, over there is the bistro. And the bistro is much more casual, people come in and have hamburgers, nachos, which I made for you. And in here, you can sit down and have a more formal meal. So in my old church, I hold a house of worship for food," said Kroner.

Whether choosing the dining room or the bistro for your meal, you're going to find a variety of good eats.

"I call it New American cooking, which is a melting pot of cultures like America is. I utilize what's around me and what's around me is a tremendous range of ingredients Asian, Latina, European. I have French training and Italian background, so I use what I know and I make food that tastes good," said Kroner.

At the end of your dining experience, the owner hopes to see just one thing from his guests.

"I think when you have a really good meal and you go out and you have that quintessential 'that was a great time', it's everything that comes together. The service, the atmosphere and the food. Those are the experiences and that's I want to have here. As a chef being able to look out and seeing a group being so happy because of what you're doing for them, that's what keeps me going," Kroner said.