Hundreds of protesters filed into Academy Green Park in Kingston on Wednesday for the Walk 4 Black Lives. Community organizers called for justice for George Floyd and greater police accountability in the city of Kingston itself.

Spectrum News spotted Kingston Mayor Steve Noble in the crowd and spoke with him briefly.

Q: What is your response to those people who are calling for more police accountability inside the city of Kingston?

A: "We have a police commission which is a citizen's review board but Rise Up Kingston wants to make it better stronger and we're supportive of that. So, we just are working with our Kingston common council to make sure whatever we do is legal and possible to be enacted and I have faith the common council will do that, and once I have something on my desk, I'm gonna sign it," Noble said.

During the protests, we also spotted native Kingstonian County Executive Pat Ryan marching through the streets with community members.

"I'm here to listen, I'm here in solidarity, I'm here because we know we need change and it's gonna take every single one of us to drive that change," Ryan said.

After rallying in the park, community members hit the streets lining Broadway for as far as the eye could see, chanting Black Lives Matter and Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.

Protesters then took a knee in the middle of Kingston’s main thoroughfare for nine minutes on Broadway; the length of time Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on the neck of George Floyd, until Floyd's body went limp and he died. 

We asked some of the protesters why they decided to come out and heard many relevant responses.

"I came out here because my aunt Nicole was murdered in Kingston and she never received justice and it breaks my heart every day that my family never got that," said Brianna Bowler.

"We needed to support, to bring as much support as we can. This is a huge issue, not only in Minneapolis, but all over the country and especially [in Kingston]," said Gianna Worthington.

"Enough is enough; we have to stand up and fight the systematic injustices that we face," said a protester named Steven.

Residents of Kingston were also present to cheer on the protesters as they marched by their homes, as the number of people in the crowds grew.