Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is co-sponsoring a bill to provide mental health services for first responders.

Gillibrand, a Democrat, introduced the bill with Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, a Republican. The First Responders Wellness Act would expand mental health services for law enforcement officers through a grant program, and start a national mental health hotline for first responders.

A press release from Gillibrand's office cited Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration statistics saying first responders "face higher rates of behavioral health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, compared to civilians."

Under the language of the bill, the Secretary of Health and Human Services would have to submit an annual report to Congress on the mental health hotline.

"Our first responders put themselves in extremely challenging and life-threatening situations in order to keep us safe," Gillibrand said. "Unfortunately, it takes a toll. ... We must support the men and women who dedicate their lives to protecting ours."

The bill has the backing of, among other groups, the National Association of Police Organizations, the National Fraternal Order of Police and the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.