It's been an active season for mosquitoes in our state with cases of West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, or Triple E, popping up in different counties.

But the state health department on Saturday confirmed the first human case of Triple E this season.

Health department officials say it's been found in a person in Ulster County.

This is the first human case in the state since 2015.

The person infected is currently in the hospital.

State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald says Triple E is a serious and fatal disease with no vaccine. He says the best way to protect yourself is to prevent mosquito bites.

Dr. McDonald is reminding people to use insect repellent with DEET in it, wear long sleeves outdoors, and get rid of any freestanding water you may have near your home.

Last month, a horse in Ulster County tested positive for Triple E.

Human cases have also been found in neighboring Massachusetts, Vermont and New Jersey.