Erie County is reminding you how to keep yourself, your family and your pets safe from ticks.

With warmer weather on the way, it is recommended to regularly mow your lawn and to remove grass, leaves and other debris.

"Ticks seek out habitats where they can thrive, and as they expand to new areas – like Erie County – they can introduce new diseases," said Commissioner of Health Dr. Gale Burstein. "The bacteria that cause Lyme disease are by far the most common in our local tick population, which is a major change from just a decade ago."

Also, any piles of wood for your summer bonfires should be neatly stacked away from your house. Also, it's recommended to keep play areas away from any shrubs or bushes.

Health officials warn that Lyme disease, which is most commonly associated with tick bites, is not the only illness that ticks can transmit. Last fall, the New York State Department of Health identified ticks in upstate New York that tested positive for the agents that cause anaplasmosis, B. miyamotoi relapsing fever, Powassan encephalitis and babesiosis.