August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, which is bringing attention to a very personal sometimes challenging process for new parents.

Certified lactation support counselor and owner of Beloved Birth and Baby, Boutique and Wellness Danielle Bianco is here to help and she too is a mother of three who has struggled with her own breastfeeding journey.

“I had three completely different birthing experiences, three different feeding experiences. So, I like to say everything that I kind of lived through and went through, I’m able to relate to a lot of different people who might be experiencing similar situations,” said Bianco.

Bianco opened up her own doula business 11 years ago because of her own difficulties.

“I had severe postpartum depression and anxiety after my first child, and I went undiagnosed for nine months, and it was a really difficult situation for me. And what saved me was the community of people I found through my breastfeeding circle,” said Bianco.

Bianco realized there was nothing available in Orange County so she decided to open up her own space and now offers a variety of classes and resources to parents.

“I have people stopping all the time more and even just shopping. They want to know hey, where should I look for a midwife? Where should I look for, you know, a postpartum doula or birth doula? So, we talk about support and the people around us who can help build their community every day,” said Bianco.

Mckaila Devries is just one of the many clients who utilizes Bianco’s classes and she has been breastfeeding her son, Jameson, for six months.

“Having that in the community elsewhere, outside of hospitals and here in physical, brick-and-mortar stores where we can come in and meet somebody and sit in a circle with peers and have that advice, I think is really important,” said Devries.

Devries said having the support groups makes all the difference. The ability to share personal experiences and learn different tips and tricks when it comes to breastfeeding is very helpful.