As Vassar College students return to campus for the fall semester, some local business owners are wondering how their businesses will survive now that students aren't allowed to leave campus due to COVID-19.

"Vassar plays an integral role in the success of this location, so the students not being able to come off campus and come to get their cups of coffee and croissants was a little worrying," said Tanner Townsend, the owner of The Crafted Kup, a coffee shop in Arlington.

What You Need To Know

  • Vassar College students are beginning to return to campus this week

  • One of the restrictions for students is that they aren't allowed to leave campus, which could have an impact on local Arlington and Poughkeepsie businesses

  • Some restaurants are adapting to the new restrictions by applying with Vassar to bring their food to campus to sell

So Vassar created a plan for local restaurants to bring their food onto campus.

"They already had a program set up on campus called "Tasty Tuesday," where local vendors from the Arlington area would come on campus and sell food and snacks and different things to their students, so they're continuing with that in an outdoor setting," said Townsend.

The Crafted Kup plans to participate.

"I've invested in a very cute coffee cart, so we'll be able to take espresso and everything over there and serve the students; we're hoping at least two days a week, maybe even more," said Townsend.

Restaurants must apply to set up shop on campus, and will be required to wear PPE and provide their information for contact tracing.

The Kup's owner is just grateful for the opportunity to continue doing business with the Vassar community.

"Vassar understands that this area, the Arlington area, is integral to the success of the whole town as well as plays a huge part in the Vassar students’ experience, so they didn't want to lose that," said Townsend.