With the Mid-Hudson region entering phase two of reopening next Tuesday, hair salons and barber shops are preparing to reopen their doors.
"[I'm] just getting real excited to see all my friends, my clients, the people that were my everyday life that I haven't seen in the past 90 days. It's been tough," said Scotty Perry, the owner of Scotty's Barber Shop in Middletown.
What You Need To Know
- Some local barber shop owners and salon owners are planning to reopen on Tuesday
- They plan to implement new sanitizing and social distancing procedures
- Customers are willing to put up with the inconvenience
Perry said he has a plan for how he'll keep his customers and staff safe.
"First of all, it seems like the day of the walk-in for a barber shop is on hiatus for a little while," said Perry. "We are going to be strictly by appointment only."
Masks will be mandatory for barbers and customers, and customers will have to wait in their car until they are called in by their barber.
"This way it gives us time between the customers to do our regular sanitary stuff and then on top of that, wipe down the chair, wipe down all the surfaces that the past person has touched," said Perry.
Each customer will also get a freshly washed cape to prevent cross-contamination between customers.
The owner of Gloje/Second Nature Salon, Alisha Maldonado, is also prepping to reopen next Tuesday.
"Obviously we would have to buy extra color and supplies, but now we're also buying face shields and hand sanitizers and masks," said Maldonado.
The typical trip to the hair salon will look a little different on Tuesday.
"When you walk in, there won't be any waiting. People will be waiting in their cars," she said. "We'll be sending texts or calls to let them know their appointment time is ready. There's going to be extra sanitation procedures. We will also move stylists stations over so we have enough separation and working at less capacity than normal."
Stylists will wear masks and face shields and customers will be given masks if they don't have their own. Stylists will also be required to clean their tools before and after every client. Maldonado said clients welcome the changes if it means they can come back.
"They'll do anything just to get it, they don't care," Maldonado said. "They're like 'I'll wear a mask, they'd wear a bodysuit if they had to.'"