It is that time of year when many of us head out to local parks to go for a nice hike and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Of course, you want to capture the moment by taking a selfie in front of a waterfall, a soaring view or the edge of a cliff.
However, what many people don't think about is that every year dozens of people across the country are injured or killed by taking a selfie and not watching their footing.
Many park officials have put up signs and barriers to keep hikers safe on popular trails, but many people ignore them and get as close as possible to the edges of cliffs and waterfalls to get the perfect photo.
It's not just selfies. With drones becoming a popular way to capture epic views and amazing sights, they create new issues. To operate a drone, the user focuses on the screen and not where they are standing. This has increased injuries in recent years on many trails.
Recently, many state parks have not allowed amateur drone users to fly at their parks. They only allow professional drone pilots with an approved permit to fly in parks to reduce injuries.
When you head out to hike, keep these tips in mind. Always follow trail signs, and do not cross over any barriers. If you are looking to get a photo, be sure you check your surroundings and have solid footing.
Many parks have areas and overlooks that are safe to capture that perfect selfie. You can also ask park officials where the safest spots are to get a great picture.
As you head out for your favorite hike this summer, be safe, and take that selfie responsibly.