WATERTOWN, N.Y. -- Ira Thomas watches cars pass by on Washington Street just outside of Watertown's Middle, High and Intermediate schools. It's the same spot his son Jayden was hit by a car last week.

"Worst phone call I ever got in my life," he said. "I rushed to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, I saw my son there. He was in pain. He was crying. He did everything the right way that he was supposed to do."

Thomas said his 11-year-old son was using the crosswalk by Jreck Subs when he was hit.

"He hurt his elbow. His whole left side is bruised up," he said. "He has nightmares at night and he can't sleep. He's in constant pain."

Living pretty much right across from the school, Jayden used to walk almost every day, but now Thomas drives him.

"I ask him every day, 'Do you want to walk to school?' 'No, I'll never cross that street again,'" he said.

Now, Thomas is speaking out to city officials to see what can be done to prevent this from happening again.

"The first thing the city can do is have an increased police presence here. It's something that we've done in the past and it's something that the police chief has already put into action," said Watertown council member Mark Walczyk.

City Manager Sharon Addison says the city plans to see what funding is available to increase pedestrian safety, such as restriping or putting up more signs. Other council members say they'd also like to look into what's called a 'road diet,' or reducing the current four lanes to two with a center turning lane.

"I understand it's not going to happen overnight. I just hope that they look into it," said Thomas. "There are other things in this city that seem to be getting a little bit more attention, but these are our children we're talking about. This is our future."

As always, the city is reminding drivers to slow down and just simply be aware.

Police say two teens were hit by cars on the same street last year.