Leading up to the big delivery day, Dr. Suchitra Kavety said social distancing is key.
“Maintaining the isolation and social distancing is particularly important, especially in the months leading up to delivery.”
As far as delivery goes in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, hospitals like St. Joseph’s are trying to make things run as smoothly and safely as possible.
“We’re putting a lot of different things into play. Ways to separate our unit from the rest of the hospital, trying to think about separate entrances," Kavety said.
“We’ve made sure we have plenty of protective gear for the patients and the staff," said Dr. Christopher LaRussa, a physician at St. Joseph's. "We do have protocol for screening of every person coming into the hospital, especially patients since the visitors are significantly limited at this time.”
And that’s one thing that’s difficult. Videos have popped up across the country of grandparents meeting their grandchildren for the first time through a window at their house since they weren’t allowed to visit or because it wasn’t safe.
Mothers can breathe a sigh of relief though. Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order allowing for labor support in hospital delivery.
“We’re allowing the one coach to be with their partner in labor for support. We’re asking that that person be with them the entire time. There’s no coming and going. We just monitor and take their temperatures. That’s the biggest protection," Dr. Kavety said.
So that concern about potentially not having a partner there during labor doesn’t need to be a concern anymore, and moms-to-be can focus on what really matters.
“We are trying to keep everything as much as possible a birth experience, it should be joyful it should be what it is, a miracle," Kavety said.