The Syracuse Police Department continues to face criticism after a video went viral showing officers interacting with an 8-year-old boy who allegedly stole a bag of chips.

The incident happened outside of Sham Deli and Grocery on the city's north side on Sunday.

Protesters said the officers used too much force.

Saturday, Citizen Action of New York and community members gathered to protest police violence in local communities.

“If that video did not go viral like that, we would not be having this conversation right now,” said Yvonne Griffin, founder of We The People. Griffin says she started protesting Tuesday for the 8-year-old boy because no one else had been advocating for him. “Even if you only got two people out here, you are going to make something,” Griffin said.

“They might not listen but at least that little boy had people out here.” She says she forwarded the viral video of officers taking the child into a police car to Citizens Action of New York in hopes of bringing as many people out for Saturday’s protest as she could. “When those of us who saw the video of an 8-year-old being jacked up off of a bike for stealing potato chips, as anyone gave any concern that maybe he was hungry?” said Kim Smith, the political director of Vocal New York.

Smith traveled from Rochester to protest.

“The people of Rochester, Vocal NY who has chapters in Albany, Westchester and New York City, we want the people of Syracuse to know that we stand in solidarity with you,” Smith said.

Officials say the incident with the 8-year-old is still under internal review and could not comment.