Oswego County lawmakers gave the community a chance to address concerns over the Jordan Brooks case. 

The community spoke on those concerns Thursday during a meeting held by the Oswego County Legislature. 

The Oswego County's Sheriff's Office said the 17-year-old, who was living with cerebral palsy, died last year due to neglect and malnutrition at the hands of his mother and stepfather.

The couple is facing multiple charges, including criminally negligent homicide.

The Jordan Brooks case sparked outrage in the community, leading the county legislature to conduct a review into how the county Department of Social Services handled the case.

Legislators said they're learning more about DSS practices in the process.

"In some cases, people would advocate for removing the child from a home. But then other cases, you hear is they say that DSS took the child from the home with not enough reason," said Oswego County Legislature Chair James Weatherup. "So this is what we hope for the layperson here, the legislators we're gonna get, hopefully a better understanding of how that process works."

During the meeting, Minority Leader Frank Castiglia called for a vote to push DSS Commissioner Stacy Alvord to resign. That vote failed.

In an interview with Spectrum News 1 last month, Alvord said she does not plan to resign.

But she said the DSS is making changes, including sending what is known as the multidisciplinary team on calls involving medically frail children like Jordan.