Two owners of The Colonial, a popular downtown Binghamton restaurant, have been arrested and charged in connection with a November incident, according to Binghamton police.

Yaron Kweller, 41, was charged with third-degree rape, and Jordan Rindgen, 33, was charged with two drug sale offenses, according to a statement sent Wednesday by police.

Police were investigating an incident that took place on Nov. 27, but didn't provide further details on the incident.

Both men were arraigned on the charges and released, according to Binghamton police.

Police added that an additional arrest is expected and the investigation is ongoing.

In a January Facebook post to The Colonial's page, an unsigned message stated the restaurant, which closed its doors as reports of an investigation into its owners surfaced, had a new "management team in place handling all day to day operations of the businesses."

"Furthermore, we understand the allegations in question are serious and traumatic," the post read. "We condemn sexual violence in all forms. If any actions as of late have made you think differently - please know we are committed to changing your view because that is not who we are."