A new Siena College poll out Wednesday of almost 1,200 registered voters in New York shows that President Joe Biden maintains a narrow lead over Donald Trump. It also shows that voters support amending the state Constitution to protect abortion rights, which is not surprising in a blue state like New York.

There was also agreement over the pro-Palestinian protests that have spread across the country.

Democrats, Republicans, and independents all agreed with four questions asked by Siena about the war in the Middle East and the protests they have sparked on college campuses. 

“They like peaceful protests; they want cops called in if they’re not peaceful; they’d like to see a ceasefire in Gaza right now; and they are concerned that these demonstrations have turned a little bit antisemitic,” Siena pollster Steve Greenberg told Capital Tonight.  

Greenberg speculated that the protests have cost President Biden some support. According to this survey, only 45% of New Yorkers have a favorable view of Biden; 50% have an unfavorable view.

“What this says is, they should be concerned in the Biden camp and the Democratic camp,” Greenberg added.

The poll also asked about several issues currently being debated by the state Legislature — addictive social media algorithms and the Plastic Recycling and Reduction Act. 

By 63-20%, voters support banning addictive social media feeds to minors without parental consent. 

In additon, 82% of voters say that single-use plastic packaging is a major (47%) or minor (35%) problem, while only 14% say is not a problem at all. Regarding the specific legislation, 67% of voters say they support the Packaging Reduction & Recycling Act.

The poll was conducted May 13-15.