Americans are more worried about political extremism or threats to democracy than any other issue, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday. The worry is strongest among Democrats and independents, the poll showed, while immigration was the top concern among Republicans.

What You Need To Know

  • Political extremism or threats to democracy were the top concern for Americans in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll

  • 44% of Democrats and 13% of Republicans said political extremism was the top problem for the U.S.

  • The economy and immigration ranked second and third

  • 34% of poll respondents thought Biden had a better approach to handling extremism, compared with 31% for Trump

In a three-day poll that closed Sunday, 21% of respondents said political extremism or threats to democracy were the biggest problem the country faces. The economy and immigration ranked second and third, respectively.

The poll noted Trump’s steady criticism of U.S. institutions in his bid to win the general election this November, as he continues to falsely claim he won the 2020 election and battles four criminal prosecutions he says are politically motivated. Trump has pleaded not guilty in all the cases, claiming they are a Democratic conspiracy to prevent him from returning to the Oval Office.

President Biden is viewed more favorably for handling extremism, with 34% of poll respondents saying he has a better approach than Trump; 31% of those polled said Trump had the better approach.

Even so, Biden’s approval rating dipped a percentage point in the most recent poll to 37% — the lowest level since he took office. While 90% of Democrats approved of his performance, only 10% of Republicans approved. Independents skewed slightly toward disapproval.

The poll noted that several polls demonstrate Biden’s support is driven largely by opposition to Trump.

The new poll is the first to include political extremism as an option for the country’s biggest problem. Among Democrats, 44% said it was the top problem for the U.S. Among Republicans, 13% said it was the top issue. The poll noted that Trump frequently claims Democrats on the far left are endangering the country.

For its poll, Reuters/Ipsos surveyed 1,020 adults.