New York Gov. Kathy Hochul called on congressional Republicans to avoid a government shutdown, which looms after Sept. 30 if Congress fails to pass legislation that continues to fund the government past that deadline.

While addressing the state’s migrant influx on Monday, the governor also mentioned the impacts a government shutdown would have on New York.

“There are roughly 51,000 federal employees living in New York, and depending on one which agency they work for and their classification, they’re all in danger of being furloughed by the federal government unless they’re essential employees," Hochul said. "There will be an immediate economic impact on their families and this will have significant impacts on the health and safety of New Yorkers.”

Hochul said items like Section 8 housing vouchers and transfers won’t happen in a government shutdown, and neither will food inspections.

It would also cause a delay in disaster aid from recent storms that have hit New York, as well as new federal funds aimed to help New York and other states deal with the asylum seekers crisis.

“We’ve been leading on the migrant situation because Republicans have failed time and time again to just roll up their sleeves, work with Democrats, work with the president and have real meaningful immigration reform," Hochul said.

At issue on Capitol Hill is a group of Republicans in the House of Representatives demanding cuts in federal spending.

“Get back to Washington. Do the jobs that the voters sent you to do and stop playing with the future of this country and our state,” Hochul said.


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