Clean water infrastructure, funding for parks, and a priority for renewable energy are among the measures funded in the state's new $212 spending plan announced on Tuesday by lawmakers and Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
All told, a combined $29 billion in public and private sector funds will be used for "green infrastructure" efforts that are meant to bolster the state against the worsening effects of climate change.
Environmental groups did not get everything they wanted in the budget, such as an extended producer responsibility bill that would apply to packaging in order to reduce waste. The budget also did not include a clean fuel standard for emission reduction from transportation.
Still, conservation groups and environmental organizations in the last several years have had a string of successful budgets and measures approved.
This year, the groups framed their push around an economic recovery for the state tied together with the boosted investment.
"New York is on a path to a green recovery," said New York League of Conservation Voters President Julie Tighe. "This new budget makes it clear that the environment is a priority for New York."