BUFFALO, N.Y. —  Kids have been have been back in school for about a month. Regardless of whether you have a student, this time of the year can be tough for many people. Allie Medina from Catholic Charities spoke with Spectrum News 1 about a fall mental health check-in and shared some tips. 

Medina shared five things that can help: 

  1. Practice deep breathing. The day can be overwhelming with a changing schedule and routine. Sit together and take deep breaths to regulate your mind and body
  2. Shut down technology at least an hour before bedtime. Technology can keep our minds racing. Just 20 minutes of screen time before bed can keep you up an extra one to two hours. Trade the phones and tablets for a book or coloring together before bed
  3. Open the conversation. Ask about their pit and peak of the day 
  4. Squeeze the lemons. The act of squeezing and releasing your muscles can help reduce stress and anxiety. Put your hands in fists like holding two lemons and squeeze all your muscles for five seconds. Release for five seconds. Repeat as many times as needed
  5. Implement evening movement. If time allows, take a family walk or bike ride together to get fresh air and prepare the body for a restful evening of sleep

Some red flags to watch out for include changes to:

  • Behavior 
  • Appetite
  • Sleep habits 
  • Hygiene

Keep a close eye on those changes and have a calm conversation with your child if you notice something different.