With kids heading back to class this week, the American Heart Association is giving parents tips.

The organization says that the primary prevention of heart disease should take place during childhood. That means fighting against risk factors like unhealthy cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and a sedentary lifestyle.

Teaching those healthy eating habits in your kids now can increase their chances of living a healthy life by reducing their chances of developing a cardiovascular disease.

"Kids and their families should eat foods low in saturated fat, cholesterol and total fat, choose a wide range of foods to get enough carbohydrates, protein and other nutrients, and consume enough calories to maintain a healthy weight for their height, build and activity level," the AHA said in a press release. "A disturbing trend observed around the country is the increase of overweight and obese children. The trend is particularly alarming because obesity increases risk for other major cardiovascular disease risk factors like hypertension, cholesterol disorders and type-2 diabetes, which are rising in children and adolescents."

The American Heart Association recommends choosing foods naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol, like fruits and vegetables.

Use lean meats like fish, chicken, turkey and lean cuts of beef and pork. Instead of using white bread, use wheat bread in those packed lunches. And swap juice boxes or chocolate milk for water.

For additional heart-healthy tips, visit www.heart.org/healthyliving.