Following a scathing audit by the New York state comptroller’s office that alleged mismanagement at the CNY Regional Market, the market's board of directors voted Monday to terminate Executive Director Amanda Vitale’s employment contract.  

“I’m absolutely astonished by the [lack of] professionalism that I’ve seen out of the board of directors in the past few months. I’ve never seen a group of adults in charge of an organization behaving the way that I’ve seen,” Vitale said at the public meeting.  

Vitale, who was hired to succeed her father Ben Vitale in January 2020, said she felt as though many people knew about her termination before the meeting.

“Somehow, I found out from vendors, tenants and employees that I’m going to be terminated, and that there’s actually a replacement in line,” she said during the meeting.  

Vitale declined to comment on her termination. 

Tony Emmi, board president of the CNY Regional Market, read aloud the board’s decision of her termination. All but one board member, Randy Daratt of Cayuga County, voted in favor of her termination.  

Per the board meeting packet posted to the market's website, Facilities Manager Greg Frigon submitted his letter of resignation effective June 28, citing a lack of value for the staff from the board. 

"I have watched as you have pushed for decreases in pay and benefits for our already short staff who are being forced to deal with increasingly difficult working conditions and significant lack of resources," the letter reads. 

Vicki Griffith, a previous tenant of the market and owner of Buda’s Meat and Produce Market which closed in 2022 after the market requested an increase in their rent, attended the public meeting.  

"It was long overdue. The amount of vitriol and corruption over the past decade has been staggering. On some level, this is justice. It’s just too late for me," Griffith said. 

In addition to the termination of Vitale, the board voted to create a new position of chief executive officer, who will oversee the future executive director. The board voted to appoint former Onondaga County Deputy Executive Bill Fisher. 

"It'd be further resolved that the chief executive officer shall be paid a salary of $1,124.40 per week," Emmi read aloud during the meeting. 

It will total a salary of $58,468.80 a year. Vitale made an annual salary of $106,000, according to documents from the nominating and personnel committee meeting held on July 6, 2023. 

Assemblyman Bill Magnarelli, D-Syracuse, said he believes the board has taken the appropriate action to begin to revive the market. 

"It is the responsibility of the board, local governments and state to work together to repair and rebuild the market. I am encouraged and feel confident Bill Fisher is the person to lead the market in this effort. Bill Fisher is a respected administrator, experienced at overseeing major construction projects and reviving fiscally fragile institutions while at the same time preserving a sense of community," Magnarelli said.