RUPCO is assisting city of Newburgh income-eligible homeowners with grants to make home repairs.

The nonprofit organization, which helps create homes and support people and communities, was awarded $5 million to administer a New York State Homes and Renewal grant, or what they are calling the Targeted Home Improvement program.

This is focusing on areas with structural discrimination causing wealth gaps and unequal access to homes.

Homeowners in the city of Newburgh with a 12550 zip code have the opportunity to get up to $40,000 in grants to do repairs. These can be anything from code enforcement or building violations to energy efficiency or any kind of work that needs to be done on a home.

“We're all one emergency away from not being able to pay our mortgage, or not being able to repair our home and having to make that choice between do we want to pay our mortgage, or do we want to make a repair? So, this is really important to be able to do repairs for communities, for people that are low-to-moderate income,” said Faith Moore, senior vice president of operations and strategy at RUPCO Inc.

Applications are being processed on a first-come, first-served basis. They can be downloaded on, or picked up at one of the organization’s offices in Newburgh, Kingston or Walden. They will also be distributed at an information session on Thursday, June 27, at the Lync Lounge located inside the Highpoint Campus, 245 Liberty St., Newburgh, beginning at 5 p.m.