A group of New York state educators is calling on Gov. Kathy Hochul to sign a classroom heat bill into law, which would require that districts address heat conditions when classroom temperatures hit 82 degrees and vacate classrooms at 88 degrees.

New York State United Teachers, a labor union representing nearly 700,000 professionals who work in, or are retired from, New York’s schools, colleges and healthcare facilities, wants to see the proposed bill establish maximum temperatures in school buildings signed into law.

“When schools are too hot, students can’t learn, and teachers can’t teach. Even animal shelters have maximum heat limits. Our schools do not, and it is disrespectful to both our students and educators," said NYSUT president Melinda Person.

NYSUT recently released a new report, “Overheated: Excessive Classroom Heat,” which includes testimony from hundreds of educators and parents across the state about the effects of extreme temperatures in our schools. The report also includes the latest research on the adverse impact excessive heat has on both student health and academic performance. You can view that report here.


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