The Fayetteville-Manlius School District and community are showing support for a school bus driver and aide who quickly reacted when a car passed the school bus on the right-hand side in Malius last week. 

Footage from a doorbell camera showed a car illegally passing a stopped school bus on the right as a mother waited for her daughter to get off the bus. 

Manlius Police and the girl's father took to social media to track down the driver.

"She was getting off of the bus. She was about to exit the bus when that car drove by. Which is why it was so jarring and frightening. And my wife was obviously in shock seeing it because you're kind of helpless in a situation like that," said the girl's father, Mike McKay, on social media describing the scary scene.

"A lapse of judgement, even one moment, could affect a family and a child's life forever. Her quick reaction I think averted a tragedy from occuring," said Fayetteville-Manlius Schools Superintendent Craig Tice. "I know they did a shirt for her that said 'not all superheroes wear capes.' They're bus drivers. I know she will treasure that forever."

Manlius Police shared interior photos from the bus as a bus aide held the girl's backpack when the car passed by.

"And it could be their child. Their grandchild. I would encourage everybody that when you see the red lights, you stop," Tice added.

"You know the person who did it was stupid and made a mistake and has since taken responsibility," Mike McKay said. "He will have his day in court. And you know that is all we really want. We just want safety and awareness."

As well as reckless endangerment, Manlius Police said the driver was given traffic tickets, including failing to stop for a school bus, following too closely and moving from a lane unsafely.

They also said the video and tips helped police locate him.