One upstate school is taking a unique approach toward attracting faculty and staff. Colgate University is investing millions into a new building.

“There will be at least 80 additional residents walking around seven days a week. So it's transformative, I think is the word that Hamilton initiative uses," said Project Manager Ray Cudney with Colgate University Planning Design and Communication.

Three buildings will be coming down for a new $31 million four-story mixed-use building. It’ll house a restaurant, two retail locations, office space, the Partnership for Community Development coworking space, the HUB and 41 apartments.

The apartments are intended to help attract people who want to live full-time in the area, including staff for Colgate University.

“It's one of those unique projects that is going to serve a number of different needs all at once. So we know that there is a severe housing shortage in the village of Hamilton. We've heard from the hospital and the local school district that they have a hard time attracting employees. Colgate at the same and faculty," said Vice President for University Communications Daniel DeVries.

It’s a project that has support from the village.

“Five or so years ago, there was a planning study done about housing and it showed that 2,000 people work in the village. That is incredible to think of. That human capital that leaves every day at 5," said Hamilton Mayor Ruthann Loveless.

Loveless says it is another step toward addressing the local housing issue.

“I think it's it shows a real commitment to the village and to the area and also to the local businesses and support services that really need to attract nurses and doctors and teachers and, you know, people working for the village," Loveless said.

The project should be completed in 2025. In the meantime, DeVries said a tremendous amount of planning has gone into making sure the demolition and construction work doesn’t disrupt the village.

The project is part of Colgate University’s Third-Century Plan commitment. The school hopes to add more housing opportunities for faculty, staff and locals in the area.