The New York State Department of Education has released students' 2021-2022 test scores this week, showing the COVID education gap is actually more of a crisis.
Empire State's third through eighth graders tests scores reveal more than 60% are not proficient in math. In addition more than fifty percent of those students don't meet grade level for ELA
New York State Department of Education's website shares the 2021-2022 state assessment results, and the results of your specific districts.
“Multiple measures of student learning, including state assessments, are used at the local level to help shape individualized learning plans, so students have the supports they need. NYSED has distributed federal CARES, CRSSA, and ARP funding to help schools and districts address the unique learning needs of students and lost instruction time caused by the pandemic. We remain committed to fostering high-quality instructional opportunities that provide authentic measures of deeper learning," said a NYSED spokesperson.
“We appreciate and recognize the importance of making 2021-22 data publicly available as soon as possible following two years of pandemic disruption. Today, the Department is releasing all final 2021-22 state assessment data in its raw format, which is months earlier than in past years. We continue to work to populate the data on"
Syracuse City Schools eighth graders test scores divulge that only 2% are proficient in math.