It’s a hobby for 18-year-old Dylan Husted that started in high school.

He played for Liverpool’s golf team and earned sectional honors and scholarships to college, but Husted decided on a different path after graduating last year.

“I used to play every day, but since I got out of high school and started working, now I’m playing maybe once a week,” he said.

He became the owner and operator of a food truck, the Baked Potato Express.

“My mom kind of started it. She got there over and stuff three years ago. Then when I got out of high school, I didn’t want to go to college and I knew that. So I took that over and bought that from her. I got a trailer and here we are,” Husted said.

He said the oven comes from the U.K., and is specially designed to cook baked potatoes. He said there are only three in the U.S.

The idea began as a tent that his mom ran, but Dylan took over and now he runs the business. It’s up to him to get everything in order before a big event.

“I make sure we have the potatoes and corn, pulled pork, mac and cheese, whatever it may be. I make sure we have that before an event like days before. I’ve got to schedule all the events and do the paperwork and all the permits. There’s a lot of permits,” Husted said.

He has been working the food truck since May, and has already made a name for himself, driving the truck all over Central New York.

“It gets tough sometimes. You need more people, but you can't fit more people. It makes it hard, but we make it work. You just have to have good communication, honestly,” Husted said.

As a young entrepreneur, he's got a lot of guidance from the other food trucks in the area.

“We all have the same goal. We’re all going to have a good time and give people some food,” said Husted.

Husted's truck will be one of 40 food trucks that will compete in the Food Truck Battle on Saturday. The fight is between trucks from Syracuse and Rochester.

You can find and purchase tickets for the event online.