An opportunity to speak directly to the I-81 project leaders starts this morning with a pair of virtual public hearings to explain the project and receive questions, comments and concerns. Last month, the Department of Transportation released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, a revised plan for the community grid alternative, and it’s asking for feedback.
Today’s hearings are hosted by the DOT and will include two presentations, one at 11 a.m. and the second at 5 p.m., followed by a comment period.
To comment, you must register online, or you can watch the events live on the NYSDOT YouTube channel.
“If we weren’t doing this in COVID, we probably wouldn’t be doing this, but we wanted to give people the opportunity to participate who are fearful of COVID and not deny them,” said Mark Frechette, the I-81 project director.
Each commenter will have three minutes to speak. A moderator will unmute then mute the guests, Frechette said.
In mid-July, the DOT released thousands of pages of documents detailing the community grid. It is a lot of information, said Frechette, so he wants to explain to ensure people understand that the DOT responds to all of the comments, and uses them to revise the plans moving forward.
“I can’t predict what the future is going to bring, but I can say that from 2019, when we went out to the public with multiple meetings, we did make significant changes that I think made the alternative better,” said Frechette.
The online meeting is not interactive. DOT representatives will not respond to questions and comments raised immediately. Responses will be written in the final record of decision, which is expected in early 2022.
On Wednesday, there will be an in-person open house at the OnCenter from 3:30-8:30 p.m. That includes opportunities to look at poster boards, watch the presentation, have one-on-one question and answer opportunities and submit public comments to the record.
The DOT is holding neighborhood meetings across the county over the next few weeks.
Comments can be submitted online via this link, by emailing, by calling 1-855-481-8255, or via mail anytime between now and September 14.
Comments sent via U.S. mail can be directed to either address below:
Mark Frechette, P.E.
Project Director
New York State Department of Transportation, Region 3
333 East Washington Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Rick Marquis
Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
Leo W. O’Brien Federal Building
11A Clinton Avenue, Suite 719
Albany, NY 12207