A Tompkins County program provides Zoom tutoring to students, helping kids to succeed in school. They’re also gearing up to hold a literacy summer camp.

“Putting them on classes, when they’re off classes trying to do things that are educational, that are quiet, but still trying to get their energy out at the same time, which is hard," said Nesiah Lee, youth program assistant. “In between classes, I help with, like, math or reading or writing.”

Staff at the Southside Community Center hold a free tutoring program for students during the day to help them with their classwork.

What You Need To Know

  • The Southside Community Center in Ithaca offers a free Zoom tutoring program during the day

  • It will offer a summer camp this year focused on literacy

  • It provides a spot for kids with working parents that need child care

“You feel like you have someone that will, like, always help you, so you don’t have to do things on your own," said Aaliyah Balior, a fifth-grader.

“Building their academic skills and getting support with our staff, they are also building relationships with one another and creating a family environment. And they’re also able to express and learn who they are," said Kayla Matos, Southside Community Center deputy director.

According to the Literacy Project, a third of fourth graders reach a proficient reading level.

“The reality is there are single parents who want to keep their kids home through learning remote, however, cannot due to their work schedules. So here this is when we come in, and we’re able to be that middleman for families and schools," said Matos.

Though the Zoom tutoring center will be ending next week for the school year, they’ll move into a summer camp that focuses on literacy for the community. It's about helping kids on the southside of Ithaca be the best students they can be.