It’s hard to have a bad day when you’re around Lizzie Moore. Lately, she’s been making a lot of hats.

“Even if one part of the hat is off we can still fix it with a little bit of love and caring, that’s kind of like people, too,” Lizzie said.

She often shares statements of kindness and wisdom known as “lizzisms.” She says autism contributes to her “lizzisms.”

“Technically I think because of my autism, because I am different, I can actually become smarter and sweeter and just be whoever I want to be. It may actually be a disability, and some people may say it’s something that’s awful and you can never get away but it’s the complete opposite,” said Lizzie.

Lizzie does not limit herself. She paints, draws, and looks ahead.

“I dream big and don’t dream small. I actually plan on becoming the first female president,” Lizzie said.

So when her mom suggested Lizzie makes and sells hats to support The Kelberman Center, a place offering services to people who have autism, Lizzie was immediately onboard.

“I actually thought this is actually a good thing for the Kelberman Center. Plus, I could actually show my talents,” she said.

Lizzie has been going to The Kelberman Center for a few years. She’s raised more than $1,000, surpassing her original goal.

“Through my hats I can actually bring joy to others and actually try to help them become happy again,” said Lizzie.

We can expect more fundraising from Lizzie in the future, as she does not plan on stopping anytime soon and wants to keep finding ways to raise money. Lizzie says many of the women in her family like to loom, and is happy to carry on the tradition.

For more information on Lizzie’s hats, check out The Kelberman Center's YouTube channel. If you are interested in purchasing one of her creations, you should email