Municipalities in New York must allow county fairs and local festivals to be held with proper social distancing and masking for unvaccinated individuals under guidance announced Monday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Capacity limits for local fairs and festivals will be determined by the amount of space available to maintain six feet of social distancing, unless attendees provide proof that they have been fully vaccinated. Fairs and festivals may require masks for all attendees, while unvaccinated attendees are required to wear masks in certain settings, including indoors.

Festivals and fairs that are expected to draw more than 5,000 attendees must receive approval from the state Health Department of Health to hold the event.

Cuomo says that local event managers should also obtain contact information from at least one member of each visiting party; implement health screening for all individuals, including questions on any COVID-19 symptoms and test results; provide resources for hand-washing or hand-sanitizing stations; regularly clean areas; post signage informing attendees of health precautions; and consult the state for guidance on specific activities and attractions.

"Fairs and festivals are huge economic generators for communities across the state, and last year they were all put on hold due to the COVID pandemic," Cuomo said. "This new guidance will allow our county fairs and local festivals to open at the greatest capacity possible so they can remain economically viable, while still ensuring public health and safety."