Most churches in the area continue to welcome worshipers to masses and services each week.
Many will tell you it’s prayer and worship that has helped them get through this pandemic. But members of one Madison County church are doing much than just attending mass in order to help others.
Nothing brings Pastor Dave DeLeon more joy than sharing the gospel.
“I do love God’s word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and this church is filled with people that stand on that,” said Open Door Baptist Church Senior Pastor David DeLeon.
Each week, the senior pastor delivers positive messages to his congregation.
About 170 people attend services each Sunday at the New Woodstock church. But for a few people, including Pastor Dave, getting out in the community to help those in need is just as important.
This month, volunteers are spending a few hours on select Tuesdays at Caz Laundry. Their mission is to lend people a helping hand by paying to do their laundry and offer refreshments.
“We will pay up to four loads, for wash and dry and if they need soaps, we’ve got that as well. Soaps and Bounce sheets, just to help them out and relieve some of their burden,” said DeLeon.
The idea came from parishioner Amy Wright, who learned about the idea from a friend out of state.
“This whole pandemic has caused a lot of creativity, to think of unique ways and help others, and so pitched it to pastor and here we are,” Wright said.
While some may consider the effort small, it certainly has made an impact on members of the community.
“I think it’s absolutely wonderful. I think in a time like now when there’s so many stresses going on with people’s lives, to have that act of kindness is just overwhelming and precious,” said Cazenovia resident Linda Tanner.
“If helping someone with a week's worth of laundry is going to relieve their cash flow, then that’s great. So, our mission is just to reach out. A gesture of love,” said Pastor DeLeon.
Volunteers with the church will be back at Caz Laundry on March 16 from 12-2 p.m. They will also be back on Tuesday, March 23 from 6-8 p.m.
The laundromat is located at 138 Albany Street in Cazenovia.