It had been a while since we heard anything about the reconstruction of Interstate 81 in Syracuse. That is, until Governor Cuomo shared an update in his State of the State address last week.

The governor announced that the construction would begin next year. Spectrum News reached out to the federal highway administration for more details. They confirm that it's possible, but there are still some things that need to be done first.

The first is the environmental review that's currently underway. That should wrap up later this year, then it goes back to the public.

“They’ll have about 45 days to share their input their thoughts, concerns, worries, support [and] during that time the state will also host public hearings, meetings, or whatever for people who may want to come and present their thoughts in person,” said Doug Hecox, Federal Highway Administration spokesman.

If those public meetings can't be held in person, then they will be virtual.

A funding plan from NYS is being worked on and sent to the federal government while the draft environmental impact statement is under review. That should be happening simultaneously.

As Hecox said, once they finish their review the draft environmental impact statement will published and a 45 day comment period will open to hear more from the public. Those comments will be compiled and reviewed by the state and the federal government adjusts will be made and then there will be a final environmental impact statement.

There will be a record of the decision and New York state is free to move ahead with the project, or not, from there.